Friday, October 18, 2024

Precautions in Unpacking Containers


Unpacking containers can sometimes involve various other cargo. The many businesses in the country manage various warehousing and delivery duties every day.

At times, the volume of the cargo grows to such an extent that they require outside help to perform these tasks on par.

Many shipping companies will bring your container unpacking Brisbane directly to your desired location, dropping it off and giving you enough time to unpack at your leisure.


Once your cargo shipping container arrive safely and soundly at your destination, the next step is to unpack immediately. It is important that you be careful when the door is opened.

There could be so many items thatmay have shifted and had moved during transport and could fall posing danger to workers below.

The easiest way to unpack a shipping container is to simply go backwards from how it is packed. The unpacking should start from the top tier with the lightest items and working down and back to the heaviest and biggest items.

Cargo types

Unpacking containers can involve a variety of cargo. We will ensure that the containers arrive at our facilities in a safe manner.

At times containers are full of boxes of goods while at other times the containers transport machinery or individual items. Also, certain merchandise may be on pallets.


Your shipper uses the proper methods, tools, and machinery to unpack your container. Forklifts are used when necessary to unload cargoes in pallet.

Sometimes, other machinery is used when needed.  For individual items the proper method is unpacking individual items by hand to prevent damage, especially those that are fragile.

At this time, shippers would double-check the packing slip to ensure that all of the items on it came in the shipment. Damages, if any, are also duly noted.  Further packing may be necessary once the goods are removed from the containers.

Alerts / warehousing

After the unpacking of the containers, the client is notified of the remaining goods that are inside of them to keep him updated on the stocks.

Once we finish unpacking your containers, we notify you of the incoming goods that were inside of them to keep you up to date on your stock

The goods are then stored in appropriate slots and are assured to receive bar codes for the computerized inventory system after being unpacked from the containers. (The incoming items are duly added to the inventory.)

From here, the shipper picks, packs and ships your orders if necessary.


Like any other tasks that deal with so many unknown factors, unpacking has its own list of hazards that are dangerous by themselves. Shippers and their personnel are well-versed with these.

All the hazards at the workplace where the unpacking is done (and their recommended controls) are the following: inadvertent container movement, slips, trips and falls, mobile plant colliding with people, and lack of lighting.

The other risky situations also include falling goods, and hazardous handling of manual tasks, unsecured load fallingon workers or forcing thecontainer doors open and unpacking without aplan may lead to anunsystematic, adhocapproach exposing yourworkers to risks.

Some of the measures implemented include removal of the strapping of the items like sheet materials like glass. Another important one is never allowing people and mobile plant to operate inside containers at the same time.

Common precautions

All through the years, container yards are always busy with machines and people. Seeing all the containers stocked up and some moving can be a challenge to people simply by being there.

Added to all these are the time work pressures and lots of traffic on the ground and up of moving vehicles and machines at work. All of these are a potential risk.

Some guidelines and rules

Ensure that you adhere to all traffic regulations when maneuvering containers, and do not take any safety shortcuts.

The use of mirrors, good lighting, and a second pair of eyes (another person) to assist with maneuvering can significantly improve safety.

Shipping containers are transported over long distances, the cargoes can come loose even it is properly secured.


If the items have come loose inside the container, it could be dangerous to open the doors as the items could fall out, damaging the product and risk injuries.

Containers should be opened with caution. Bolts should be used to prevent the doors from opening suddenly. Two sets of people positioned correctly should be in place to open the doors safely.

Securing devices can also be placed to protect items that might fall out upon opening the doors.

If there are chemicals as cargo inside the container, a respirator mask should be worn at all times to counter the risk.

More precautions

Goods and packages should be inspected to ensure they are not loose and have not moved in transit.

When releasing cargo restraint devices such as cargo lashing, it should be done with caution.

Never detach all the restraints at once. First, detach the nearest to the front and unload whatever cargo before disconnecting additional restraints.

If unloading from a truck, ensure there is a safeexclusion zone around the

container and mobile plant. If usingramps, ensure they are secure and the risk of falling from a ramp is eliminated.

If unloading from a loadingdock, ensure the trailer ortruck will not move duringunloading. This is done by applying the paring brakes.

Place the container in a location that has solid,stable and level surface. There should also be sufficient space to open andaccess the container safely.

Make sure there is adequatelighting to safely carry outthe work. Use portable lightsinside of the container ifnecessary.

Correct modes

There is the risk that load shift could cause the container to move and/or fall off the truck when shipping containers are placed on top of trucks with platforms that are incorrectly measured or improperly constructed.

Suitable slings should be used for forklifts when loading and unloading.

The industrial trucks used to transport the containers should be adequately dimensioned and regularly inspected to ensure that they are in good condition.

Any transport routes should be preplanned as not all roads can accommodate industrial-sized trucks.

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